InjectedNavigator class

Injecting a Navigator 2 that holds a RouteData state.

 final myNavigator = RM.injectNavigator(
   routes: {
     '/': (RouteData data) => HomePage(),
     '/page1': (RouteData data) => Page1(),

 class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
   const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
     return MaterialApp.router(
       routeInformationParser: myNavigator.routeInformationParser,
       routerDelegate: myNavigator.routerDelegate,

See also RouteData and RouteWidget




canPop bool
Whether a page can be popped off from the root route stack or sub route stacks.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
getter/setter pair
Get an active navigation BuildContext.
no setter
pageStack List<PageSettings>
Get the PageSettings stack.
no setter
routeData RouteData
Get the current RouteData
no setter
routeInformationParser RouteInformationParser<PageSettings>
RouteInformationParser delegate.
no setter
routerConfig RouterConfig<PageSettings>
RouterConfig delegate.
no setter
routerDelegate RouterDelegate<PageSettings>
RouterDelegate implementation
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scaffold → ScaffoldObject
Show ScaffoldMessenger related widgets such as SnackBar, Drawer, and BottomSheets
no setter


back<T extends Object>([T? result]) → void
Navigate back to the last page, ie Pop the top-most route off the navigator.
backAndToNamed<T extends Object?, TO extends Object?>(String routeName, {TO? result, Object? arguments, bool fullscreenDialog = false, bool maintainState = true}) Future<T?>
Navigate back than to the page with the given named route
backUntil(String untilRouteName) → void
Navigate back and remove all the previous routes until meeting the route with defined name
deepLinkTest(String url) → void
Used in test to simulate a deep link call.
dispose() → void
forceBack<T extends Object>([T? result]) → void
Navigate Back by popping the top-most page route with all pagesless route associated with it and without calling onNavigateBack hook.
injectMock(NavigationBuilder mock, {String? startRoute}) → void
Mock InjectedNavigator
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onNavigate() → void
Invoke onNavigate callback and navigate according the logic defined there.
removePage<T extends Object>(String routeName, [T? result]) → void
Remove a pages from the route stack.
setRouteStack(List<PageSettings> stack(List<PageSettings> pages), {String? subRouteName}) → void
Set the route stack. It exposes the current PageSettings stack.
to<T extends Object?>(String routeName, {Object? arguments, Map<String, String>? queryParams, bool fullscreenDialog = false, bool maintainState = true, Widget builder(Widget route)?, Widget transitionsBuilder(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> secondAnimation, Widget child)?}) Future<T?>
Find the page with given routeName and add it to the route stack and trigger route transition.
toAndRemoveUntil<T extends Object?>(String newRouteName, {String? untilRouteName, Object? arguments, Map<String, String>? queryParams, bool fullscreenDialog = false, bool maintainState = true}) Future<T?>
Find the page with given routeName and then remove all the previous routes until meeting the route with defined route name untilRouteName. If no route name is given (untilRouteName is null) , all routes will be removed except the new page route.
toBottomSheet<T>(Widget bottomSheet, {bool isDismissible = true, bool enableDrag = true, bool isScrollControlled = false, Color? backgroundColor, double? elevation, ShapeBorder? shape, Clip? clipBehavior, Color? barrierColor, bool postponeToNextFrame = false}) Future<T?>
Shows a modal material design bottom sheet that prevents the user from interacting with the rest of the app.
toCupertinoDialog<T>(Widget dialog, {bool barrierDismissible = false, bool postponeToNextFrame = false}) Future<T?>
Displays an iOS-style dialog above the current contents of the app, with iOS-style entrance and exit animations, modal barrier color, and modal barrier behavior
toCupertinoModalPopup<T>(Widget cupertinoModalPopup, {ImageFilter? filter, bool semanticsDismissible = false, bool postponeToNextFrame = false}) Future<T?>
Shows a modal iOS-style popup that slides up from the bottom of the screen.
toDeeply(String routeName, {Object? arguments, Map<String, String>? queryParams, bool fullscreenDialog = false, bool maintainState = true}) → void
Deeply navigate to the given routeName. Deep navigation means that the root stack is cleaned and pages corresponding to sub paths are added to the stack.
toDialog<T>(Widget dialog, {bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? barrierColor, bool useSafeArea = true, bool postponeToNextFrame = false}) Future<T?>
Displays a Material dialog above the current contents of the app, with Material entrance and exit animations, modal barrier color, and modal barrier behavior (dialog is dismissible with a tap on the barrier).
toPageless<T extends Object?>(Widget page, {String? name, bool fullscreenDialog = false, bool maintainState = true}) Future<T?>
Push a pageless route
toReplacement<T extends Object?, TO extends Object?>(String routeName, {TO? result, Object? arguments, Map<String, String>? queryParams, bool fullscreenDialog = false, bool maintainState = true, Widget transitionsBuilder(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> secondAnimation, Widget child)?}) Future<T?>
Find the page with given routeName and remove the current route and replace it with the new one.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.