InjectedTheme<KEY> class abstract

Implemented types
Available Extensions




autoDisposeWhenNotUsed bool
no setterinherited
canRedoState bool
Whether the state can be redone.
no setterinherited
canUndoState bool
Whether the state can be done
no setterinherited
connectionState ConnectionState
no setterinherited
customStatus Object?
Custom status of the state. Set manually to mark the state with a particular tag to be used in your logic.
getter/setter pairinherited
darkTheme ThemeData?
Get the current dark theme.
no setter
debugMessage String?
getter/setter pairinherited
error → dynamic
The error
no setterinherited
hasData bool
The state is mutated successfully.
no setterinherited
hasError bool
The stats has error
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasObservers bool
Whether the state has observers
no setterinherited
isActive bool
Whether the state is active or not.
no setterinherited
isDarkTheme bool
Wether the current mode is dark.
no setter
isDone bool
The state is mutated using a stream and the stream is done.
no setterinherited
isIdle bool
The state is initialized and never mutated.
no setterinherited
isWaiting bool
The state is waiting for and asynchronous task to end.
no setterinherited
lightTheme ThemeData
Get the current light theme.
no setter
observerLength int
no setterinherited
oldSnapState SnapState<KEY>
no setterinherited
rebuild → _Rebuild
Callable class used to listen to a reactive (injected) model and rebuild widget
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
snapState SnapState<KEY>
A snap representation of the state
getter/setter pairinherited
state ↔ KEY
getter/setter pairinherited-setter
stateAsync Future<KEY>
It is a future of the state. The future is active if the state is on the isWaiting status.
no setterinherited
subscription StreamSubscription?
It is not null if the state is waiting for a Future or is subscribed to a Stream
no setterinherited
supportedDarkThemes Map<KEY, ThemeData>
Get supported dark themes
no setter
supportedLightThemes Map<KEY, ThemeData>
Get supported light themes
no setter
themeMode ThemeMode
The current ThemeMode
getter/setter pair


call(BuildContext context, {bool defaultToGlobal = false}) Injected<KEY>
Obtain the Injected model from the nearest InheritedWidget inserted using inherited.
catchError(void onError(dynamic error, StackTrace s)) Future<InjectedBase<KEY>>
clearUndoStack() → void
Clear undoStack;
deletePersistState() → void
Delete the state form the persistence store
dispose() → void
Dispose the state.
future<F>(Future<F> future(KEY s)) Future<F> Function()
inherited({required Widget builder(BuildContext), Key? key, FutureOr<KEY> stateOverride()?, bool connectWithGlobal = true, String? debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage, String toDebugString(KEY?)?}) Widget
Provide the injected model using an InheritedWidget that wraps its state.
injectFutureMock(Future<KEY> fakeCreator()) → void
Inject a fake future implementation of this injected model.
injectMock(KEY fakeCreator()) → void
Inject a fake implementation of this injected model.
injectStreamMock(Stream<KEY> fakeCreator()) → void
Inject a fake stream implementation of this injected model.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notify() → void
Notify observers
of(BuildContext context, {bool defaultToGlobal = false}) → KEY
Obtain the state from the nearest InheritedWidget inserted using inherited.
onAll<R>({R onIdle()?, required R onWaiting()?, required R onError(dynamic error, VoidCallback refreshError)?, required R onData(KEY data)}) → R
onErrorRefresher() → void
IF the state is in the hasError status, The last callback that causes the error can be reinvoked.
onOrElse<R>({R onIdle()?, R onWaiting()?, R onError(dynamic error, VoidCallback refreshError)?, R onData(KEY data)?, required R orElse(KEY data)}) → R
persistState() → void
Persist the state
redoState() → void
Redo to the next valid state (isWaiting and hasError are ignored)
refresh() Future<KEY?>
Refresh the Injected state. Refreshing the state means reinitialize it and reinvoke its creation function and notify its listeners.
reInherited({Key? key, required BuildContext context, required Widget builder(BuildContext)}) Widget
Provide the Injected model to another widget tree branch.
setState(dynamic fn(KEY s), {void onData(KEY data)?, void onError(dynamic error)?, On<void>? onSetState, void onRebuildState()?, int debounceDelay = 0, int throttleDelay = 0, bool shouldAwait = false, bool skipWaiting = false, BuildContext? context}) Future<KEY>
Mutate the state of the model and notify observers.
subscribeToRM(void fn(SnapState<KEY>? snap)) VoidCallback
Subscribe to the state
toggle() → void
If the state is bool, toggle it and notify listeners
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
undoState() → void
Undo to the last valid state (isWaiting and hasError are ignored)
whenConnectionState<R>({required R onIdle(), required R onWaiting(), required R onData(KEY snapState), required R onError(dynamic error), bool catchError = true}) → R
Exhaustively switch over all the possible statuses of connectionState. Used mostly to return Widgets.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.