generateMessage function

String generateMessage(
  1. String id,
  2. AccessType type


String generateMessage(String id, AccessType type) {
  switch (type) {
    case AccessType.value || || AccessType.callTearOff:
      final varName = id.split('.').first.split('(').first;
      return '''
"$id" was used after an await.
Please put all beacon access before the first await.


final ${varName}Val = $id;

final result = await someFunction(${varName}Val)
    case AccessType.toFuture || AccessType.toFutureTearOff:
      final varName = id.split('.').first;
      final extra = type == AccessType.toFutureTearOff ? '()' : '';
      return '''
"$id" was used after an await.
Please put all beacon access before the first await.
Store the future in a variable then await it.


final ${varName}Future = $id$extra;

final result = await ${varName}Future