testStore<I extends Info, E extends Entry<I>, T extends Store<I, E>> function

void testStore<I extends Info, E extends Entry<I>, T extends Store<I, E>>(
  1. TestContextBuilder<I, E, T> newTestContext, {
  2. Map<TypeTest, Function>? types,
  3. Set<StoreTest> tests = _storeTests,

Default store test

  • newTestContext: The context builder
  • types: The type/generator map
  • tests: The test set


void testStore<I extends Info, E extends Entry<I>, T extends Store<I, E>>(
    TestContextBuilder<I, E, T> newTestContext,
    {Map<TypeTest, Function>? types,
    Set<StoreTest> tests = _storeTests}) {
  for (var entry in (types ?? _storeTypeTests).entries) {
    test('Store: ${entry.key.name}', () async {
      await testStoreWith<I, E, T>(newTestContext(entry.value()), tests: tests);