putManyAsync method

Future<List<int>> putManyAsync(
  1. List<T> objects, {
  2. PutMode mode = PutMode.put,

Like putMany, but runs in a worker isolate and does not modify the given objects, e.g. to set an assigned ID.

Use getMany to get inserted objects with their assigned ID set, or use putAndGetManyAsync instead.

If you need to call this multiple times consider using the synchronous variant (e.g. putMany) and wrap the calls in Store.runInTransactionAsync. This has typically better performance as only a single worker isolate has to be spawned.


Future<List<int>> putManyAsync(List<T> objects,
        {PutMode mode = PutMode.put}) async =>
    await _store.runAsync(
        _putManyAsyncCallback<T>, _PutManyAsyncArgs(objects, mode));