newLocalDiskCache function

Cache newLocalDiskCache({
  1. String? path,
  2. String? cacheName,
  3. ExpiryPolicy? expiryPolicy,
  4. KeySampler? sampler,
  5. EvictionPolicy? evictionPolicy,
  6. int? maxEntries,
  7. CacheLoader? cacheLoader,
  8. CacheCodec? codec,
  9. dynamic fromEncodable(
    1. dynamic

Creates a new Cache backed by a local DiskStore

  • path: The base storage location for this cache
  • cacheName: The name of the cache
  • expiryPolicy: The expiry policy to use, defaults to EternalExpiryPolicy if not provided
  • sampler: The sampler to use upon eviction of a cache element, defaults to FullSampler if not provided
  • evictionPolicy: The eviction policy to use, defaults to LfuEvictionPolicy if not provided
  • maxEntries: The max number of entries this cache can hold if provided. To trigger the eviction policy this value should be provided
  • cacheLoader: The CacheLoader that should be used to fetch a new value upon expiration
  • codec: The CacheCodec used to convert to/from a Map<String, dynamic>` representation to a binary representation
  • fromEncodable: A custom function the converts to the object from a Map<String, dynamic> representation

Returns a new Cache backed by a DiskStore


Cache newLocalDiskCache(
    {String? path,
    String? cacheName,
    ExpiryPolicy? expiryPolicy,
    KeySampler? sampler,
    EvictionPolicy? evictionPolicy,
    int? maxEntries,
    CacheLoader? cacheLoader,
    CacheCodec? codec,
    dynamic Function(dynamic)? fromEncodable}) {
  FileSystem fs = const LocalFileSystem();
  return Cache.newCache(
      DiskStore(fs, path ?? fs.systemTempDirectory.path,
          codec: codec, fromEncodable: fromEncodable),
      name: cacheName,
      expiryPolicy: expiryPolicy,
      sampler: sampler,
      evictionPolicy: evictionPolicy,
      maxEntries: maxEntries,
      cacheLoader: cacheLoader);