put method
Add / Replace the cache value
for the specified key
: the keyvalue
: the valuedelegate
: provides the caller a way of changing the CacheEntry before persistence
Future<void> put(String key, T value, {CacheEntryDelegate<T>? delegate}) {
// Current time
final now = clock.now();
// #region Statistics
Stopwatch? watch;
Future<void> Function(bool) posPut = (_) => Future<void>.value();
if (statsEnabled) {
watch = clock.stopwatch()..start();
posPut = (bool ok) {
if (ok) {
if (watch != null) {
return Future<void>.value();
// #endregion
// Try to get the entry from the cache
return _getStorageInfo(key).then((info) {
final expired = info != null && info.isExpired(now);
// If the entry does not exist or is expired
if (info == null || expired) {
// If expired we remove it
final prePut = expired
? _removeStorageEntry(key, CacheEntryExpiredEvent<T>(this, info))
: Future<void>.value();
// And finally we add it to the cache
return prePut
.then((_) =>
_newEntry(_entryBuilder(key, value, now, delegate: delegate)))
} else {
// Already present let's update the cache instead
return _replaceEntry(info, value, now).then((_) => posPut(true));