startapp library
- StartAppAdPreferences
- Class with parameters to be passed into methods StartAppSdk.loadBannerAd(), StartAppSdk.loadInterstitialAd(), StartAppSdk.loadNativeAd().
- StartAppBanner
- Widget to display StartAppBannerAd.
- StartAppBannerAd
- Proxy object which holds an underlying native platform view.
- StartAppInterstitialAd
- Proxy object which holds an interstitial ad ready to be shown.
- StartAppNative
- Parent widget to display StartAppNativeAd, your main layout will be requested via StartAppNativeWidgetBuilder.
- StartAppNativeAd
- Proxy object which holds a native ad ready to be shown.
- StartAppRewardedVideoAd
- Proxy object which holds an interstitial ad ready to be shown.
- StartAppSdk
- Singleton class for accessing API of native platform (StartApp) SDK.
- StartAppBannerType
- Type of the banner.
- StartAppInterstitialAdMode
- StartAppNativeWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, StateSetter setState, StartAppNativeAd nativeAd)