cut method

RenderTextureQuad cut(
  1. Rectangle<num> rectangle

Cuts a RenderTextureQuad out of this RenderTextureQuad. The offset of the RenderTextureQuad will be adjusted to match the origin of the rectangle.

The rectangle is in target coordinates. Those coordinates take the pixelRatio into account. Please read more about HiDpi textures to learn more about this topic.


RenderTextureQuad cut(Rectangle<num> rectangle) {
  final rL = (rectangle.left * pixelRatio).round();
  final rT = ( * pixelRatio).round();
  final rR = (rectangle.right * pixelRatio).round();
  final rB = (rectangle.bottom * pixelRatio).round();
  final sourceRectangle = Rectangle<int>(rL, rT, rR - rL, rB - rT);
  final offsetRectangle = Rectangle<int>(0, 0, rR - rL, rB - rT);
  return RenderTextureQuad.slice(this, sourceRectangle, offsetRectangle);