advanceTime method

  1. @override
bool advanceTime(
  1. num time

This method is called by the Juggler with the time past since the last call.

Returns true as long as this Animatable is not completed; false if it is completed.


bool advanceTime(num time) {
  _elapsedTime += time;

  // Call advanceTime of current animatables.
  // Do not call advanceTime of newly added animatables.

  _AnimatableLink? link = _firstAnimatableLink;
  _AnimatableLink? lastLink = _lastAnimatableLink;

  while (identical(link, lastLink) == false) {
    final animatable = link?.animatable;
    if (animatable == null) {
      final nextLink = link?.nextAnimatableLink;
      link?.animatable = nextLink?.animatable;
      link?.nextAnimatableLink = nextLink?.nextAnimatableLink;

      if (identical(nextLink, lastLink)) lastLink = link;
      if (identical(nextLink, _lastAnimatableLink)) {
        _lastAnimatableLink = link!;
    } else if (animatable.advanceTime(time) == false) {
      link?.animatable = null;
    } else {
      link = link?.nextAnimatableLink;

  return true;