getErrorMessageFromFirebaseException function

String getErrorMessageFromFirebaseException(
  1. FirebaseAuthException exception


String getErrorMessageFromFirebaseException(FirebaseAuthException exception) {
  switch (exception.code.toLowerCase()) {
    case 'email-already-in-use':
      return 'An account already exists for the email you\'re trying to use. Login instead.';
    case 'invalid-email':
      return 'The email you\'re using is invalid. Please use a valid email.';
    case 'operation-not-allowed':
      return 'The authentication is not enabled on Firebase. Please enable the Authentitcation type on Firebase';
    case 'weak-password':
      return 'Your password is too weak. Please use a stronger password.';
    case 'wrong-password':
      return 'You seemed to have entered the wrong password. Double check it and try again.';
      return exception.message ??
          'Something went wrong on our side. Please try again';