SseClient constructor

  1. String serverUrl, {
  2. String? debugKey,

serverUrl is the URL under which the server is listening for incoming bi-directional SSE connections. debugKey is an optional key that can be used to identify the SSE connection.


SseClient(String serverUrl, {String? debugKey})
    : _clientId = debugKey == null
          ? generateUuidV4()
          : '$debugKey-${generateUuidV4()}' {
  _serverUrl = '$serverUrl?sseClientId=$_clientId';
  _eventSource =
      EventSource(_serverUrl, EventSourceInit(withCredentials: true));
  _eventSource.onOpen.first.whenComplete(() {
        .listen(_onOutgoingMessage, onDone: _onOutgoingDone);
  _eventSource.addEventListener('message', _onIncomingMessage.toJS);
  _eventSource.addEventListener('control', _onIncomingControlMessage.toJS);

  _eventSource.onOpen.listen((_) {
  _eventSource.onError.listen((error) {
    if (!(_errorTimer?.isActive ?? false)) {
      // By default the SSE client uses keep-alive.
      // Allow for a retry to connect before giving up.
      _errorTimer = Timer(const Duration(seconds: 5), () {