
Provides encoding and decoding methods for parsing substrate addresses.

SS58 account examples can be finded in ss58-Registry.

Lets Get Started

Decoding a Polkadot Address Object

final address = Address.decode('1zugcag7cJVBtVRnFxv5Qftn7xKAnR6YJ9x4x3XLgGgmNnS');

Registry Info by Prefix

// get registry info of given `prefix`

final polkadotRegistry = Codec.registry.getByPrefix(0);

print('polkadot registry: $polkadotRegistry');

Decoding Substrate Address

// decoding substrate address

final String originalEncodedAddress = '5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY';

final List<int> decodedBytes = Codec.fromNetwork('substrate').decode(originalEncodedAddress);

print('Substrate address bytes: $decodedBytes');

Encoding bytes to produce address

// Encoding the decodedBytes to produce back encodedAddress.

final int substrateAddressPrefix = 42;

final encodedAddress = Codec(substrateAddressPrefix).encode(decodedBytes);
