normalizeType method

AbstractType normalizeType(
  1. Set<EnumType> enumTypes,
  2. Set<CustomType> customTypes

Normalize AbstractType by replacing any (nested Type) with the instance scanned by the analyzer.


AbstractType normalizeType(
  Set<EnumType> enumTypes,
  Set<CustomType> customTypes,
) {
  final customTypeOrNull =
      customTypes.firstBy((type) => type.className == className);
  if (customTypeOrNull != null) {
    return customTypeOrNull;

  final enumTypeOrNull =
      enumTypes.firstBy((type) => type.className == className);
  if (enumTypeOrNull != null) {
    return enumTypeOrNull;

  if (this is ListType) {
    final listType = this as ListType;
    final childType = listType.child.normalizeType(enumTypes, customTypes);
    return listType.nullable
        ? NullableListType(childType)
        : ListType(childType);

  if (this is MapType) {
    final mapType = this as MapType;
    final keyType = mapType.key.normalizeType(enumTypes, customTypes);
    final valueType = mapType.value.normalizeType(enumTypes, customTypes);
    return mapType.nullable
        ? NullableMapType(key: keyType, value: valueType)
        : MapType(key: keyType, value: valueType);

  return this;