PieceSet.fromImageAssets constructor

  1. required String folder,
  2. String? package,
  3. required List<String> symbols,
  4. String format = 'png',

Specifies a set of WidgetBuilders from a set of image files in a folder. The file names should be in a format like 'wB.png' (white bishop), 'bN.png' (black knight). A format other than 'png' can be specified, as long as it works with Image.asset. SVG cannot be used with this, but look at piece_set.dart for a commented out example of how flutter_svg can be used. Make sure that every symbol in symbols has a 'wSymbol' and 'bSymbol' file. If the images are coming from a package (for example, from Squares), then specify package. See PieceSet.merida() for an example.


factory PieceSet.fromImageAssets({
  required String folder,
  String? package,
  required List<String> symbols,
  String format = 'png',
}) {
  Map<String, WidgetBuilder> pieces = {};
  for (String symbol in symbols) {
    pieces[symbol.toUpperCase()] = (BuildContext context) =>
        Image.asset('${folder}w$symbol.$format', package: package);
    pieces[symbol.toLowerCase()] = (BuildContext context) =>
        Image.asset('${folder}b$symbol.$format', package: package);
  return PieceSet(pieces: pieces);