getSortedMethods method

Iterable<MethodElement> getSortedMethods({
  1. bool includeInherited = true,

Gets the public methods of the class

This method will retrieve the methods of the super classes when the includeInherited parameter is true.

It will retrieve non-static methods.


Iterable<MethodElement> getSortedMethods({bool includeInherited = true}) {
  // Get all of the fields that need to be assigned
  final elementInstanceMethods = Map.fromEntries(
      this.methods.where((e) => !e.isStatic).map((e) => MapEntry(, e)));

  final inheritedMethods = <String, MethodElement>{};
  final manager = InheritanceManager3();

  if (includeInherited) {
    for (final v in manager.getInheritedMap2(this).values) {
      assert(v is! FieldElement);
      if (_dartCoreObjectChecker.isExactly(v.enclosingElement)) {

      if (v is MethodElement && !v.isStatic && !v.isPrivate) {
        // assert(v.variable is MethodElement);
        // final variable = v.variable as MethodElement;
        // assert(!inheritedMethods.containsKey(;
        inheritedMethods[] = v;

  // Get the list of all fields for `element`
  final allMethods = elementInstanceMethods.keys

  final methods = allMethods
      .map((e) => _MethodSet(elementInstanceMethods[e], inheritedMethods[e]))

  return => fs.method).toList();