getSortedFieldSet method

Iterable<FieldElement> getSortedFieldSet({
  1. bool includeInherited = true,

Gets the public instance fields of the class

This method will retrieve the fields of the super classes when the includeInherited parameter is true.

It will retrieve enum fields and non-static fields.


Iterable<FieldElement> getSortedFieldSet({bool includeInherited = true}) {
  // Get all of the fields that need to be assigned
  final elementInstanceFields = Map.fromEntries(this
      .where((e) => !e.isStatic || e.isEnumConstant)
      .where((e) => !e.isPrivate)
      .map((e) => MapEntry(, e)));

  final inheritedFields = <String, FieldElement>{};
  final manager = InheritanceManager3();

  if (includeInherited) {
    for (final v in manager.getInheritedConcreteMap2(this).values) {
      assert(v is! FieldElement);
      if (_dartCoreObjectChecker.isExactly(v.enclosingElement)) {

      if (v is PropertyAccessorElement && v.isGetter && !v.isPrivate) {
        assert(v.variable is FieldElement);
        final variable = v.variable as FieldElement;
        inheritedFields[] = variable;

  // Get the list of all fields for `element`
  final allFields =

  final fields = allFields
      .map((e) => _FieldSet(elementInstanceFields[e], inheritedFields[e]))

  return fields
      .map((fs) => fs.field)
      .where((field) =>
          (field.getter != null &&
              (field.setter != null ||
                  field.isFinal &&
                      field.getter!.isSynthetic &&
                      this is! EnumElement)) ||
          (field.getter == null && field.setter == null) ||
          field.isEnumConstant ||