AggregateFunctionInvocation class

Implemented types
Available extensions


AggregateFunctionInvocation({required IdentifierToken function, required FunctionParameters parameters, OrderByBase? orderBy, Expression? filter})


allDescendants Iterable<AstNode>
Recursively returns all descendants of this node, e.g. its children, their children and so on. The tree will be pre-order traversed.
no setterinherited
childNodes Iterable<AstNode>
All direct children of this node.
no setteroverride
filter Expression?
getter/setter pair
first Token?
The first token that appears in this node. This information is not set for all nodes.
getter/setter pairinherited
firstPosition int
The first position of this entity, as an zero-based offset in the file it was read from.
no setterinherited
function IdentifierToken
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasSpan bool
Whether this entity has a source span associated with it.
no setterinherited
isAggregate bool
Whether this function call is to an aggregate function, meaning that it will combine multiple rows from the input relation into one.
no setteroverride
last Token?
The last token that appears in this node. This information is not set for all nodes.
getter/setter pairinherited
lastPosition int
The (exclusive) last index of this entity in the source.
no setterinherited
name String
The name of the function being called
no setteroverride
nameToken Token?
getter/setter pairoverride
optionalScope ReferenceScope?
no setterinherited
orderBy OrderByBase?
getter/setter pair
parameters FunctionParameters
getter/setter pairoverride-getter
parent AstNode?
The parent of this node, or null if this is the root node. Will be set by the analyzer after the tree has been parsed.
getter/setter pairinherited
parents Iterable<AstNode>
Returns all parents of this node up to the root. If this node is the root, the iterable will be empty.
no setterinherited
resolved Referencable?
The resolved reference, or null if it hasn't been resolved yet.
getter/setter pairoverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scope ReferenceScope
The ReferenceScope, which contains available tables, column references and functions for this node.
getter/setter pairinherited
selfAndDescendants Iterable<AstNode>
Returns an iterable that fields yields this node, followed by allDescendants.
no setterinherited
selfAndParents Iterable<AstNode>
Returns an iterable containing this node and all parents.
no setterinherited
span → FileSpan?
The piece of text forming this syntactic entity.
no setterinherited
statementScope StatementScope
no setterinherited
synthetic bool
Whether this entity is synthetic, meaning that it doesn't appear in the actual source.
getter/setter pairinherited


accept<A, R>(AstVisitor<A, R> visitor, A arg) → R
Calls the appropriate method on the visitor to make it recognize this node.
acceptWithoutArg<R>(AstVisitor<void, R> visitor) → R
Like accept, but without an argument.
contentEquals(AstNode other) bool
Whether the content of this node is equal to the other node of the same type. The "content" refers to anything stored only in this node, children are ignored.
enclosingOfType<T extends AstNode>() → T?
Finds the first element in selfAndParents of the type T.
isChildOf(AstNode other) bool
meta<T>() → T?
Returns the metadata of type T that might have been set on this node, or null if none was found. Nodes can have arbitrary annotations on them set via setMeta and obtained via meta. This mechanism is used to, for instance, attach variable scopes to a subtree.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setMeta<T>(T value) → void
Sets the metadata of type T to the specified value. Nodes can have arbitrary annotations on them set via setMeta and obtained via meta. This mechanism is used to, for instance, attach variable scopes to a subtree.
setSpan(Token first, Token last) → void
Sets the AstNode.first and AstNode.last property in one go.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
transformChildren<A>(Transformer<A> transformer, A arg) → void
Transforms children of this node by invoking transformer with the argument arg.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.