createFile method

  1. @override
void createFile(
  1. String path, {
  2. bool errorIfNotExists = false,
  3. bool errorIfAlreadyExists = false,

Creates an empty file at path.

If errorIfAlreadyExists is set to true, and a file already exists at path, a FileSystemException is thrown.


void createFile(String path,
    {bool errorIfNotExists = false, bool errorIfAlreadyExists = false}) {
  final type = _recognizeType(path);
  if (type == null) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
      'Invalid path for OPFS file system, only ${FileType._validNames} are '
  } else {, FileSystemReadWriteOptions(at: 0));
    final exists = _existsList[type.index] != 0;

    if ((exists && errorIfAlreadyExists) || (!exists && errorIfNotExists)) {
      throw FileSystemException();

    if (!exists) {
      _markExists(type, true);