loadFromStorage static method

Future<OpfsFileSystem> loadFromStorage(
  1. String path

Loads an OpfsFileSystem in the desired path under the root directory for OPFS as given by navigator.storage.getDirectory() in JavaScript.

Throws a FileSystemException if OPFS is not available - please note that this file system implementation requires a recent browser and only works in dedicated web workers.


static Future<OpfsFileSystem> loadFromStorage(String path) async {
  final storage = storageManager;
  if (storage == null) {
    throw FileSystemException(
        SqlError.SQLITE_ERROR, 'storageManager not supported by browser');

  var opfsDirectory = await storage.directory;

  for (final segment in p.split(path)) {
    opfsDirectory = await opfsDirectory.getDirectory(segment, create: true);

  return inDirectory(opfsDirectory);