databaseFactory top-level property

DatabaseFactory get databaseFactory

sqflite Default factory.


DatabaseFactory get databaseFactory =>
    _databaseFactory ??
    () {
      throw StateError('''databaseFactory not initialized
databaseFactory is only initialized when using sqflite. When using `sqflite_common_ffi`
You must call `databaseFactory = databaseFactoryFfi;` before using global openDatabase API
set databaseFactory (DatabaseFactory? databaseFactory)

Change the default factory.

Be aware of the potential side effect. Any library using sqflite will have this factory as the default for all operations.

This setter must be call only once, before any other calls to sqflite.


set databaseFactory(DatabaseFactory? databaseFactory) {
  // Warn when changing. might throw in the future
  if (databaseFactory != null) {
    if (_databaseFactory != null) {
      // ignore: avoid_print
*** sqflite warning ***

You are changing sqflite default factory.
Be aware of the potential side effects. Any library using sqflite
will have this factory as the default for all operations.

*** sqflite warning ***
  databaseFactoryOrNull = databaseFactory;