findWindowsSqlite3DllPath function

String? findWindowsSqlite3DllPath()

Find windows dll path.


String? findWindowsSqlite3DllPath() {
  var location = findPackageLibPath(Directory.current.path);
  if (location == null) {
    // Try to handle when using global run
    // When using `global run` we might not be able to find the lib path.
    // Try from the script
    // when running using global run: file:///C:/oxxxdevx/git/
    // when running normally:  C:\xxx\devx\git\\tekartik\sqflite\packages\console_test_app\bin\sqflite_ffi_simple_bin.dart
    // When running hoster:  C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\bin\pubglobalupdate.bat
    try {
      // This the case when activated from path...ugly but worth trying.
      var projectPath = dirname(
      location = findPackageLibPath(projectPath);
    } catch (_) {}
  if (location != null) {
    var path = packageGetSqlite3DllPath(normalize(join(location)));
    return path;
  return null;