openDb method

  1. @override
Future<Database> openDb()

When the software/app is started, sqfentity checks the database was it initialized. If needed, initilizeDb method runs that CREATE TABLE / ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN queries for you.


Future<Database> openDb() async {
  final lock = Lock();
  Database? _db;
  await lock.synchronized(() async {
    final path = join(getFinalDatabasePath(await getDatabasesPath()),
    final file = File(path);

    // check if file exists
    if (!file.existsSync()) {
      // Copy from asset if MyDbModel.bundledDatabasePath is not empty
      if (connection!.bundledDatabasePath != null &&
          connection!.bundledDatabasePath != '' &&
          connection!.bundledDatabasePath != 'null') {
        final ByteData data =
            await rootBundle.load(connection!.bundledDatabasePath!);
        await writeDatabase(data);

    // uncomment line below if you want to use sqlchiper
    _db = await openDatabase(path,
        version: connection!.dbVersion,
        onCreate: createDb,
        password: connection!.password); // SQLChipher

    // uncomment line below if you want to use sqflite
    // _db = await openDatabase(path, version: connection!.dbVersion, onCreate: createDb); // SQFLite
  return _db!;