RoutesBuilder$Methods extension



delete<T>(String path, FutureOr<T> closure(HttpRequest request)) → void
Registers a DELETE route that responds to with the result of the closure.
get<T>(String path, FutureOr<T> closure(HttpRequest request)) → void
Registers a GET route that responds to with the result of the closure.
Registers a HEAD route that responds to with the result of the closure.
patch<T>(String path, FutureOr<T> closure(HttpRequest request)) → void
Registers a PATCH route that responds to with the result of the closure.
post<T>(String path, FutureOr<T> closure(HttpRequest request)) → void
Registers a POST route that responds to with the result of the closure.
put<T>(String path, FutureOr<T> closure(HttpRequest request)) → void
Registers a PUT route that responds to with the result of the closure.