update method

  1. @override
void update(
  1. double t

Sets the motion to a specific point in time. The t value that is passed in is a normalized value 0.0 to 1.0 of the duration of the motion. Every motion will always recieve a callback with the end time point (1.0), unless it is cancelled.


void update(double t) {
  int p;
  double lt;

  if (t < 0.0) t = 0.0;

  if (t >= 1.0) {
    p = points.length - 1;
    lt = 1.0;
  } else {
    p = (t / _dt).floor();
    lt = (t - _dt * p) / _dt;

  Offset p0 = points[(p - 1).clamp(0, points.length - 1)];
  Offset p1 = points[(p + 0).clamp(0, points.length - 1)];
  Offset p2 = points[(p + 1).clamp(0, points.length - 1)];
  Offset p3 = points[(p + 2).clamp(0, points.length - 1)];

  Offset newPos = _cardinalSplineAt(p0, p1, p2, p3, tension, lt);
