connectToSpotifyRemote static method

Future<bool> connectToSpotifyRemote({
  1. required String clientId,
  2. required String redirectUrl,
  3. String spotifyUri = '',
  4. bool asRadio = false,
  5. String? scope,
  6. String playerName = 'Spotify SDK',
  7. String? accessToken,

Connects to Spotify Remote, returning a bool for confirmation

Required parameters are the clientId and the redirectUrl to authenticate with the Spotify Api iOS specific: You can optionally pass an accessToken that you have persisted from a previous session. This will prevent redirecting to the Spotify if the token is still valid. It will be ignored on platforms other than iOS. iOS specific: You can optionally pass a spotifyUri. A blank string will play the user's last song or pick a random one. It will be ignored on platforms other than iOS. Throws a PlatformException if connecting to the remote api failed Throws a MissingPluginException if the method is not implemented on the native platforms.


static Future<bool> connectToSpotifyRemote(
    {required String clientId,
    required String redirectUrl,
    String spotifyUri = '',
    bool asRadio = false,
    String? scope,
    String playerName = 'Spotify SDK',
    String? accessToken}) async {
  try {
    return await _channel.invokeMethod(MethodNames.connectToSpotify, {
      ParamNames.clientId: clientId,
      ParamNames.redirectUrl: redirectUrl,
      ParamNames.playerName: playerName,
      ParamNames.accessToken: accessToken,
      ParamNames.scope: scope,
      ParamNames.spotifyUri: spotifyUri,
      ParamNames.asRadio: asRadio,
  } on Exception catch (e) {
    _logException(MethodNames.connectToSpotify, e);