spotSingleText<W extends Widget> function

  1. @Deprecated('Use spotText("Hello") or ' 'spot<Text>().whereText((it) => it.equals("Hello")).first() instead')
  2. @useResult
WidgetSelector<W> spotSingleText<W extends Widget>(
  1. String text, {
  2. List<WidgetSelector<Widget>> parents = const [],
  3. List<WidgetSelector<Widget>> children = const [],
  4. bool findRichText = false,

Either finds Text or EditableText Widgets.

Set findRichText to true to also find RichText Widgets.

To find SelectableText Widgets, use spotSingle<SelectableText>(children: [spotTexts('foo')]) which finds a SelectableText Widget that contains an EditableText with 'foo'.


  'Use spotText("Hello") or '
  'spot<Text>().whereText((it) => it.equals("Hello")).first() instead',
WidgetSelector<W> spotSingleText<W extends Widget>(
  String text, {
  List<WidgetSelector> parents = const [],
  List<WidgetSelector> children = const [],
  bool findRichText = false,
}) {
  return _global.spotSingleText(
    parents: parents,
    children: children,
    findRichText: findRichText,