WidgetMatcherExtensions<W extends Widget> extension

Extension on WidgetMatcher

These matchers facilitate more specific assertions on widget properties, element properties, and render object properties.



getElementProp<T>(NamedElementProp<T> prop) → T
Retrieves a specific property from the matched widget's element.
getRenderObjectProp<T, R extends RenderObject>(NamedRenderObjectProp<R, T> prop) → T
Retrieves a specific property from the matched widget's render object.
getWidgetProp<T>(NamedWidgetProp<W, T> prop) → T
Retrieves a specific property from the matched widget.
hasElementProp<T>({required NamedElementProp<T?> prop, required MatchProp<T> match}) WidgetMatcher<W>
Asserts that an element's property meets a specific condition.
hasProp<T>({Subject<T> elementSelector(Subject<Element>)?, Subject<T> widgetSelector(Subject<W>)?, required MatchProp<T> match}) WidgetMatcher<W>
Allows checking for properties of Element that are stored in child Widgets or in the state. Use selector to extract the actual value and validate it with match.
hasRenderObjectProp<T, R extends RenderObject>({required NamedRenderObjectProp<R, T?> prop, required MatchProp<T> match}) WidgetMatcher<W>
Asserts that a render object's property meets a specific condition.
hasWidgetProp<T>({required NamedWidgetProp<W, T?> prop, required MatchProp<T> match}) WidgetMatcher<W>
Asserts that a widget's property meets a specific condition.