TooltipSelector extension

Allows filtering Tooltip by the properties provided via Diagnosticable.debugFillProperties



whereEnableFeedback(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where enableFeedback matches the condition.
whereHeight(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where height matches the condition.
whereMargin(MatchProp<EdgeInsetsGeometry> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where margin matches the condition.
whereMessage(MatchProp<String> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where message matches the condition.
wherePadding(MatchProp<EdgeInsetsGeometry> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where padding matches the condition.
wherePosition(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where position matches the condition.
whereRichMessage(MatchProp<String> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where richMessage matches the condition.
whereSemantics(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where semantics matches the condition.
whereShowDuration(MatchProp<Duration> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where showDuration matches the condition.
whereTextAlign(MatchProp<TextAlign> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where textAlign matches the condition.
whereTriggerMode(MatchProp<TooltipTriggerMode> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where triggerMode matches the condition.
whereVerticalOffset(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where verticalOffset matches the condition.
whereWaitDuration(MatchProp<Duration> match) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where waitDuration matches the condition.
withEnableFeedback(bool? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where enableFeedback equals (==) value.
withHeight(double? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where height equals (==) value.
withMargin(EdgeInsetsGeometry? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where margin equals (==) value.
withMessage(String? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where message equals (==) value.
withPadding(EdgeInsetsGeometry? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where padding equals (==) value.
withPosition(bool? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where position equals (==) value.
withRichMessage(String? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where richMessage equals (==) value.
withSemantics(bool? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where semantics equals (==) value.
withShowDuration(Duration? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where showDuration equals (==) value.
withTextAlign(TextAlign? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where textAlign equals (==) value.
withTriggerMode(TooltipTriggerMode? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where triggerMode equals (==) value.
withVerticalOffset(double? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where verticalOffset equals (==) value.
withWaitDuration(Duration? value) WidgetSelector<Tooltip>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all Tooltip where waitDuration equals (==) value.