TextFieldSelector extension

Allows filtering TextField by the properties provided via Diagnosticable.debugFillProperties



whereAutocorrect(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where autocorrect matches the condition.
whereAutofocus(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where autofocus matches the condition.
whereClipBehavior(MatchProp<Clip> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where clipBehavior matches the condition.
whereContentCommitMimeTypes(MatchProp<List<String>> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where contentCommitMimeTypes matches the condition.
whereController(MatchProp<TextEditingController> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where controller matches the condition.
whereCursorColor(MatchProp<Color> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where cursorColor matches the condition.
whereCursorHeight(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where cursorHeight matches the condition.
whereCursorOpacityAnimates(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where cursorOpacityAnimates matches the condition.
whereCursorRadius(MatchProp<Radius> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where cursorRadius matches the condition.
whereCursorWidth(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where cursorWidth matches the condition.
whereDecoration(MatchProp<InputDecoration> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where decoration matches the condition.
whereEnabled(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where enabled matches the condition.
whereEnableIMEPersonalizedLearning(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where enableIMEPersonalizedLearning matches the condition.
whereEnableSuggestions(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where enableSuggestions matches the condition.
whereExpands(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where expands matches the condition.
whereFocusNode(MatchProp<FocusNode> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where focusNode matches the condition.
whereKeyboardAppearance(MatchProp<Brightness> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where keyboardAppearance matches the condition.
whereKeyboardType(MatchProp<TextInputType> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where keyboardType matches the condition.
whereMaxLength(MatchProp<int> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where maxLength matches the condition.
whereMaxLengthEnforcement(MatchProp<MaxLengthEnforcement> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where maxLengthEnforcement matches the condition.
whereMaxLines(MatchProp<int> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where maxLines matches the condition.
whereMinLines(MatchProp<int> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where minLines matches the condition.
whereObscureText(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where obscureText matches the condition.
whereObscuringCharacter(MatchProp<String> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where obscuringCharacter matches the condition.
whereScribbleEnabled(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where scribbleEnabled matches the condition.
whereScrollController(MatchProp<ScrollController> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where scrollController matches the condition.
whereScrollPadding(MatchProp<EdgeInsetsGeometry> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where scrollPadding matches the condition.
whereScrollPhysics(MatchProp<ScrollPhysics> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where scrollPhysics matches the condition.
whereSelectionControls(MatchProp<TextSelectionControls> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where selectionControls matches the condition.
whereSelectionEnabled(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where selectionEnabled matches the condition.
whereSmartDashesType(MatchProp<SmartDashesType> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where smartDashesType matches the condition.
whereSmartQuotesType(MatchProp<SmartQuotesType> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where smartQuotesType matches the condition.
whereSpellCheckConfiguration(MatchProp<SpellCheckConfiguration> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where spellCheckConfiguration matches the condition.
whereStyle(MatchProp<TextStyle> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where style matches the condition.
whereTextAlign(MatchProp<TextAlign> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where textAlign matches the condition.
whereTextAlignVertical(MatchProp<TextAlignVertical> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where textAlignVertical matches the condition.
whereTextCapitalization(MatchProp<TextCapitalization> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where textCapitalization matches the condition.
whereTextDirection(MatchProp<TextDirection> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where textDirection matches the condition.
whereTextInputAction(MatchProp<TextInputAction> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where textInputAction matches the condition.
whereUndoController(MatchProp<UndoHistoryController> match) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where undoController matches the condition.
withAutocorrect(bool? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where autocorrect equals (==) value.
withAutofocus(bool? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where autofocus equals (==) value.
withClipBehavior(Clip? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where clipBehavior equals (==) value.
withContentCommitMimeTypes(List<String>? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where contentCommitMimeTypes equals (==) value.
withController(TextEditingController? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where controller equals (==) value.
withCursorColor(Color? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where cursorColor equals (==) value.
withCursorHeight(double? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where cursorHeight equals (==) value.
withCursorOpacityAnimates(bool? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where cursorOpacityAnimates equals (==) value.
withCursorRadius(Radius? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where cursorRadius equals (==) value.
withCursorWidth(double? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where cursorWidth equals (==) value.
withDecoration(InputDecoration? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where decoration equals (==) value.
withEnabled(bool? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where enabled equals (==) value.
withEnableIMEPersonalizedLearning(bool? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where enableIMEPersonalizedLearning equals (==) value.
withEnableSuggestions(bool? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where enableSuggestions equals (==) value.
withExpands(bool? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where expands equals (==) value.
withFocusNode(FocusNode? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where focusNode equals (==) value.
withKeyboardAppearance(Brightness? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where keyboardAppearance equals (==) value.
withKeyboardType(TextInputType? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where keyboardType equals (==) value.
withMaxLength(int? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where maxLength equals (==) value.
withMaxLengthEnforcement(MaxLengthEnforcement? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where maxLengthEnforcement equals (==) value.
withMaxLines(int? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where maxLines equals (==) value.
withMinLines(int? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where minLines equals (==) value.
withObscureText(bool? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where obscureText equals (==) value.
withObscuringCharacter(String? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where obscuringCharacter equals (==) value.
withScribbleEnabled(bool? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where scribbleEnabled equals (==) value.
withScrollController(ScrollController? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where scrollController equals (==) value.
withScrollPadding(EdgeInsetsGeometry? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where scrollPadding equals (==) value.
withScrollPhysics(ScrollPhysics? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where scrollPhysics equals (==) value.
withSelectionControls(TextSelectionControls? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where selectionControls equals (==) value.
withSelectionEnabled(bool? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where selectionEnabled equals (==) value.
withSmartDashesType(SmartDashesType? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where smartDashesType equals (==) value.
withSmartQuotesType(SmartQuotesType? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where smartQuotesType equals (==) value.
withSpellCheckConfiguration(SpellCheckConfiguration? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where spellCheckConfiguration equals (==) value.
withStyle(TextStyle? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where style equals (==) value.
withTextAlign(TextAlign? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where textAlign equals (==) value.
withTextAlignVertical(TextAlignVertical? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where textAlignVertical equals (==) value.
withTextCapitalization(TextCapitalization? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where textCapitalization equals (==) value.
withTextDirection(TextDirection? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where textDirection equals (==) value.
withTextInputAction(TextInputAction? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where textInputAction equals (==) value.
withUndoController(UndoHistoryController? value) WidgetSelector<TextField>
Creates a WidgetSelector that finds all TextField where undoController equals (==) value.