PropSelectorQueries<W extends Widget> extension

The newer version of WidgetSelector.withProp that uses NamedWidgetProp.

  • ChainableSelectors<W>


whereElementProp<T>(NamedElementProp<T> prop, bool match(T value)) WidgetSelector<W>
Creates a filter for the elements of the discovered widgets based on a specified property. The filter is applied when the WidgetSelector is snapshotted.
whereRenderObjectProp<T, R extends RenderObject>(NamedRenderObjectProp<R, T> prop, bool match(T value)) WidgetSelector<W>
Creates a filter for the render objects of the discovered widgets based on a specified property. This filter is applied when the WidgetSelector is snapshotted.
whereWidgetProp<T>(NamedWidgetProp<W, T> prop, bool match(T value)) WidgetSelector<W>
Creates a filter for the widgets of the discovered elements which is applied when the WidgetSelector is snapshotted.