ListTileMatcher extension

Matchers for the properties of ListTile provided via Diagnosticable.debugFillProperties



hasAutofocus(bool? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that autofocus of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasAutofocusWhere(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that autofocus of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasContentPadding(EdgeInsetsGeometry? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that contentPadding of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasContentPaddingWhere(MatchProp<EdgeInsetsGeometry> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that contentPadding of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasDense(bool? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that dense of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasDenseWhere(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that dense of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasEnableFeedback(bool? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that enableFeedback of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasEnableFeedbackWhere(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that enableFeedback of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasFocusColor(Color? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that focusColor of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasFocusColorWhere(MatchProp<Color> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that focusColor of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasFocusNode(FocusNode? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that focusNode of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasFocusNodeWhere(MatchProp<FocusNode> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that focusNode of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasHorizontalTitleGap(double? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that horizontalTitleGap of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasHorizontalTitleGapWhere(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that horizontalTitleGap of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasHoverColor(Color? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that hoverColor of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasHoverColorWhere(MatchProp<Color> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that hoverColor of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasIconColor(Color? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that iconColor of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasIconColorWhere(MatchProp<Color> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that iconColor of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasIsThreeLine(bool? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that isThreeLine of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasIsThreeLineWhere(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that isThreeLine of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasLeading(Widget? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that leading of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasLeadingAndTrailingTextStyle(TextStyle? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that leadingAndTrailingTextStyle of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasLeadingAndTrailingTextStyleWhere(MatchProp<TextStyle> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that leadingAndTrailingTextStyle of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasLeadingWhere(MatchProp<Widget> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that leading of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasMinLeadingWidth(double? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that minLeadingWidth of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasMinLeadingWidthWhere(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that minLeadingWidth of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasMinVerticalPadding(double? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that minVerticalPadding of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasMinVerticalPaddingWhere(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that minVerticalPadding of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasMouseCursor(MouseCursor? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that mouseCursor of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasMouseCursorWhere(MatchProp<MouseCursor> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that mouseCursor of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasOnLongPress(Function? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that onLongPress of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasOnLongPressWhere(MatchProp<Function> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that onLongPress of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasOnTap(Function? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that onTap of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasOnTapWhere(MatchProp<Function> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that onTap of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasSelected(bool? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that selected of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasSelectedColor(Color? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that selectedColor of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasSelectedColorWhere(MatchProp<Color> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that selectedColor of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasSelectedTileColor(Color? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that selectedTileColor of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasSelectedTileColorWhere(MatchProp<Color> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that selectedTileColor of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasSelectedWhere(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that selected of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasShape(ShapeBorder? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that shape of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasShapeWhere(MatchProp<ShapeBorder> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that shape of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasStyle(ListTileStyle? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that style of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasStyleWhere(MatchProp<ListTileStyle> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that style of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasSubtitle(Widget? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that subtitle of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasSubtitleTextStyle(TextStyle? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that subtitleTextStyle of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasSubtitleTextStyleWhere(MatchProp<TextStyle> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that subtitleTextStyle of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasSubtitleWhere(MatchProp<Widget> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that subtitle of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasTextColor(Color? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that textColor of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasTextColorWhere(MatchProp<Color> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that textColor of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasTileColor(Color? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that tileColor of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasTileColorWhere(MatchProp<Color> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that tileColor of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasTitle(Widget? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that title of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasTitleAlignment(ListTileTitleAlignment? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that titleAlignment of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasTitleAlignmentWhere(MatchProp<ListTileTitleAlignment> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that titleAlignment of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasTitleTextStyle(TextStyle? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that titleTextStyle of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasTitleTextStyleWhere(MatchProp<TextStyle> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that titleTextStyle of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasTitleWhere(MatchProp<Widget> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that title of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasTrailing(Widget? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that trailing of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasTrailingWhere(MatchProp<Widget> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that trailing of ListTile matches the condition in match.
hasVisualDensity(VisualDensity? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that visualDensity of ListTile equals (==) value.
hasVisualDensityWhere(MatchProp<VisualDensity> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that visualDensity of ListTile matches the condition in match.
isEnabled(bool? value) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that enabled of ListTile equals (==) value.
isEnabledWhere(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetMatcher<ListTile>
Expects that enabled of ListTile matches the condition in match.