IconMatcher extension

Matchers for the properties of Icon provided via Diagnosticable.debugFillProperties



hasColor(Color? value) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that color of Icon equals (==) value.
hasColorWhere(MatchProp<Color> match) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that color of Icon matches the condition in match.
hasFill(double? value) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that fill of Icon equals (==) value.
hasFillWhere(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that fill of Icon matches the condition in match.
hasGrade(double? value) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that grade of Icon equals (==) value.
hasGradeWhere(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that grade of Icon matches the condition in match.
hasIcon(IconData? value) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that icon of Icon equals (==) value.
hasIconWhere(MatchProp<IconData> match) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that icon of Icon matches the condition in match.
hasOpticalSize(double? value) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that opticalSize of Icon equals (==) value.
hasOpticalSizeWhere(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that opticalSize of Icon matches the condition in match.
hasSemanticLabel(String? value) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that semanticLabel of Icon equals (==) value.
hasSemanticLabelWhere(MatchProp<String> match) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that semanticLabel of Icon matches the condition in match.
hasShadows(Shadow? value) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that shadows of Icon equals (==) value.
hasShadowsWhere(MatchProp<Shadow> match) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that shadows of Icon matches the condition in match.
hasSize(double? value) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that size of Icon equals (==) value.
hasSizeWhere(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that size of Icon matches the condition in match.
hasTextDirection(TextDirection? value) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that textDirection of Icon equals (==) value.
hasTextDirectionWhere(MatchProp<TextDirection> match) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that textDirection of Icon matches the condition in match.
hasWeight(double? value) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that weight of Icon equals (==) value.
hasWeightWhere(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetMatcher<Icon>
Expects that weight of Icon matches the condition in match.