throws<E> method

Subject<E> throws<E>()

Expects that a function throws synchronously when it is called.

If the function synchronously throws a value of type E, return a Subject to check further expectations on the error.

If the function does not throw synchronously, or if it throws an error that is not of type E, this expectation will fail.

If this function is async and returns a Future, this expectation will fail. Instead invoke the function and check the expectation on the returned Future.


Subject<E> throws<E>() {
  return context.nest<E>(() => ['throws an error of type $E'], (actual) {
    try {
      final result = actual();
      return Extracted.rejection(
        actual: prefixFirst('a function that returned ', literal(result)),
        which: ['did not throw'],
    } catch (e) {
      if (e is E) return Extracted.value(e as E);
      return Extracted.rejection(
          actual: prefixFirst('a function that threw error ', literal(e)),
          which: ['did not throw an $E']);