EffectiveTextMatcher extension

Matchers for the Text widget to make assertions about:



hasEffectiveMaxLines(int? value) WidgetMatcher<Text>
A WidgetMatcher for Text widgets that performs a singular assertion against a fixed maxLines value.
hasEffectiveMaxLinesWhere(MatchProp<int> match) WidgetMatcher<Text>
A WidgetMatcher for Text widgets that performs specific assertions by applying a custom matcher function to the maxLines property.
hasEffectiveTextStyle(TextStyle? value) WidgetMatcher<Text>
A WidgetMatcher for Text widgets that performs a singular assertion against a fixed TextStyle value.
hasEffectiveTextStyleWhere(MatchProp<TextStyle> match) WidgetMatcher<Text>
A WidgetMatcher for Text widgets that performs specific assertions by applying a custom matcher function to TextStyle properties.