AnyTextMatcher extension

Matchers for the properties of AnyText provided via Diagnosticable.debugFillProperties



hasFontBackground(Paint? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontBackground of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontBackgroundColor(Color? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontBackgroundColor of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontBackgroundColorWhere(MatchProp<Color> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontBackgroundColor of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontBackgroundWhere(MatchProp<Paint> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontBackground of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontBaseline(TextBaseline? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontBaseline of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontBaselineWhere(MatchProp<TextBaseline> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontBaseline of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontColor(Color? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontColor of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontColorWhere(MatchProp<Color> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontColor of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontFamily(String? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontFamily of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontFamilyFallback(String? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontFamilyFallback of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontFamilyFallbackWhere(MatchProp<String> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontFamilyFallback of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontFamilyWhere(MatchProp<String> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontFamily of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontForeground(Paint? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontForeground of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontForegroundWhere(MatchProp<Paint> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontForeground of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontHeight(double? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontHeight of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontHeightWhere(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontHeight of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontInherit(bool? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontInherit of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontInheritWhere(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontInherit of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontLeadingDistribution(TextLeadingDistribution? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontLeadingDistribution of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontLeadingDistributionWhere(MatchProp<TextLeadingDistribution> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontLeadingDistribution of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontLetterSpacing(double? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontLetterSpacing of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontLetterSpacingWhere(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontLetterSpacing of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontLocale(Locale? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontLocale of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontLocaleWhere(MatchProp<Locale> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontLocale of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontSize(double? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontSize of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontSizeWhere(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontSize of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontStyle(FontStyle? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontStyle of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontStyleWhere(MatchProp<FontStyle> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontStyle of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontWeight(FontWeight? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontWeight of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontWeightWhere(MatchProp<FontWeight> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontWeight of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasFontWordSpacing(double? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontWordSpacing of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasFontWordSpacingWhere(MatchProp<double> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that fontWordSpacing of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasInherit(bool? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that inherit of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasInheritWhere(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that inherit of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasLocale(Locale? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that locale of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasLocaleWhere(MatchProp<Locale> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that locale of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasMaxLines(int? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that maxLines of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasMaxLinesWhere(MatchProp<int> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that maxLines of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasMinLines(int? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that minLines of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasMinLinesWhere(MatchProp<int> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that minLines of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasOverflow(TextOverflow? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that overflow of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasOverflowWhere(MatchProp<TextOverflow> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that overflow of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasSelectionColor(Color? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that selectionColor of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasSelectionColorWhere(MatchProp<Color> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that selectionColor of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasSoftWrap(bool? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that softWrap of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasSoftWrapWhere(MatchProp<bool> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that softWrap of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasText(String? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that text of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasTextAlign(TextAlign? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that textAlign of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasTextAlignWhere(MatchProp<TextAlign> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that textAlign of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasTextDirection(TextDirection? value) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that textDirection of AnyText equals (==) value.
hasTextDirectionWhere(MatchProp<TextDirection> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that textDirection of AnyText matches the condition in match.
hasTextWhere(MatchProp<String> match) WidgetMatcher<AnyText>
Expects that text of AnyText matches the condition in match.