Indicate to automatically add a RepaintBoundary widget around the animation.
This allows to optimize the app performance by isolating the animation in its
own Layer.
If no controller is specified, this value indicate whether or not the
Lottie animation should be played automatically (default to true).
If there is an animation controller specified, this property has no effect.
The number of frames per second to render.
Use FrameRate.composition to use the original frame rate of the Lottie composition (default)
Use FrameRate.max to advance the animation progression at every frame.
A callback called when the LottieComposition has been loaded.
You can use this callback to set the correct duration on the AnimationController
with composition.duration
Opt-in to a special render mode where the frames of the animation are
lazily rendered and kept in a cache.
Subsequent runs of the animation will be cheaper to render.
Specify that the automatic animation should repeat in a loop (default to true).
The property has no effect if animate is false or controller is not null.
Specify that the automatic animation should repeat in a loop in a "reverse"
mode (go from start to end and then continuously from end to start).
It default to false.
The property has no effect if animate is false, repeat is false or controller is not null.