generateIosImages function
Generate splash images for the iOS
Future<void> generateIosImages({
String? imageSource,
String? color,
String? iosContentMode,
String? backgroundImage,
String? iosBackgroundContentMode,
}) async {
const iosAssetsFolder = CmdStrings.iosAssetsDirectory;
final directory = Directory(iosAssetsFolder);
if (!await directory.exists()) {
log("$iosAssetsFolder path doesn't exists. Creating it...");
directory.create(recursive: true);
final List<Image> images = [];
if (imageSource != null) {
for (final scale in IosScale.values) {
final fileName = '${IOSStrings.splashImage}${scale.fileEndWith}.png';
final imagePath = '$iosAssetsFolder/$fileName';
final file = File(imagePath);
if (await file.exists()) {
await file.delete();
final sourceImage = File(imageSource);
/// Creating a splash image from the provided asset source
log('Generated $fileName.');
idiom: IOSStrings.iOSContentJsonIdiom,
filename: fileName,
scale: scale.scale,
imagePath: imageSource,
color: color,
iosContentMode: iosContentMode,
backgroundImage: backgroundImage,
iosBackgroundContentMode: iosBackgroundContentMode,
await updateContentJson(images);