generateAndroidImages function
Generate splash images for the Android
Future<void> generateAndroidImages({
String? imageSource,
String? backgroundImageName,
String? darkImageSource,
}) async {
if (imageSource == null) {
log('No images were provided. Skipping generating Android images');
const androidResDir = CmdStrings.androidResDirectory;
final drawable = getAndroidDrawable();
/// Create splash images with the provided image in drawable directories
final drawableFolder = '$androidResDir/$drawable';
if (!await Directory(drawableFolder).exists()) {
log("$drawable folder doesn't exists. Creating it...");
await Directory(drawableFolder).create(recursive: true);
final imagePath =
'$drawableFolder/${backgroundImageName ?? AndroidStrings.splashImagePng}';
final file = File(imagePath);
if (await file.exists()) {
await file.delete();
final sourceImage = File(imageSource);
if (await sourceImage.exists()) {
/// Creating a splash image from the provided asset source
} else {
throw SplashMasterException(message: 'Asset not found. $imagePath');
if (darkImageSource != null) {
generateAndroidDarkImage(darkImageSource, drawableFolder);
log("Splash image added to $drawable");