cmd/command_line library


applyAndroidSplashImage({String? imageSource, String? color, String? gravity, YamlMap? android12AndAbove}) Future<void>
Apply the splash images to Android
applySplash({String? imageSource, String? color, String? gravity, String? iosContentMode, YamlMap? android12AndAbove}) Future<void>
Applies the splash screen on Android and iOS using details from the YAML file.
commandEntry(List<String> arguments) → void
createAndroid12Styles({required File styleFile, String? color, String? imageSource}) Future<void>
Updates the styles.xml file for the splash screen setup for Android 12+.
createColors({String? color}) Future<void>
Creates a colors.xml file to define background color for the splash.
createSplashImageDrawable({String? imageSource, String? color, String? gravity}) Future<void>
Creates a new splash_screen.xml file to define the splash screen setup.
generateAndroidImages({String? imageSource, String? color}) Future<void>
Generate splash images for the Android
generateImageForAndroid12AndAbove({YamlMap? android12AndAbove}) Future<void>
generateIosImages({String? imageSource, String? color, String? iosContentMode}) Future<void>
Generate splash images for the iOS
setupSplashScreen(YamlMap splashData) → void
Setting up the splash screen using the details provided in pubspec.yaml file under splash_master.
updateContentJson(List<Image> images) Future<void>
Update the content json file with the generated splash_image in iOS.
updateContentOfStoryboard({String? imagePath, String? color, String? iosContentMode}) → void
Update the default storyboard content with the provided details Image, Color and contentMode
updateStylesXml({YamlMap? android12AndAbove, String? color}) Future<void>
Updates the styles.xml file for the splash screen setup.