AnimationState class

Applies animations over time, queues animations for later playback, mixes (crossfading) between animations, and applies multiple animations on top of each other (layering).

See Applying Animations in the Spine Runtimes Guide.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addAnimation(int trackIndex, Animation animation, bool loop, double delay) TrackEntry
Adds an animation to be played after the current or last queued animation for a track at trackIndex. If the track is empty, it is equivalent to calling setAnimation.
addAnimationByName(int trackIndex, String animationName, bool loop, double delay) TrackEntry
Queues an animation by name.
addEmptyAnimation(int trackIndex, double mixDuration, double delay) TrackEntry
Adds an empty animation to be played after the current or last queued animation for a track, and sets the track entry's TrackEntry.getMixDuration. If the track is empty, it is equivalent to calling setEmptyAnimation.
apply(Skeleton skeleton) → void
Poses the skeleton using the track entry animations. The animation state is not changed, so can be applied to multiple skeletons to pose them identically.
clearTrack(int trackIndex) → void
Removes all animations from the track, leaving skeletons in their current pose.
clearTracks() → void
Removes all animations from all tracks, leaving skeletons in their current pose.
getCurrent(int trackIndex) TrackEntry?
Returns the track entry for the animation currently playing on the track, or null if no animation is currently playing.
getData() AnimationStateData
The AnimationStateData to look up mix durations.
getNumTracks() int
Returns the number of tracks that have animations queued.
getTimeScale() double
Multiplier for the delta time when the animation state is updated, causing time for all animations and mixes to play slower or faster. Defaults to 1.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setAnimation(int trackIndex, Animation animation, bool loop) TrackEntry
Sets the current animation for a track at trackIndex, discarding any queued animations. If the formerly current track entry was never applied to a skeleton, it is replaced (not mixed from).
setAnimationByName(int trackIndex, String animationName, bool loop) TrackEntry
Sets an animation by name.
setEmptyAnimation(int trackIndex, double mixDuration) TrackEntry
Sets an empty animation for a track at trackIndex, discarding any queued animations, and sets the track entry's TrackEntry.getMixDuration to mixDuration. An empty animation has no timelines and serves as a placeholder for mixing in or out.
setEmptyAnimations(double mixDuration) → void
Sets an empty animation for every track, discarding any queued animations, and mixes to it over the specified mix duration.
setListener(AnimationStateListener? listener) → void
The listener for events generated for all tracks managed by the AnimationState, or null.
setTimeScale(double timeScale) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
update(double delta) → void
Increments each track entry TrackEntry.getTrackTime, setting queued animations as current if needed.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.