SpeechErrorListener typedef

SpeechErrorListener = void Function(SpeechRecognitionError errorNotification)

Notified if errors occur during recognition or intialization.

Possible errors per the Android docs are described here: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/SpeechRecognizer "error_audio_error" "error_client" "error_permission" "error_network" "error_network_timeout" "error_no_match" "error_busy" "error_server" "error_speech_timeout" "error_language_not_supported" "error_language_unavailable" "error_server_disconnected" "error_too_many_requests"

iOS errors are not well documented in the iOS SDK, so far these are the errors that have been observed: "error_speech_recognizer_disabled" "error_retry" "error_no_match"

Both platforms use this message for an unrecognized error: "error_unknown ($errorCode)" where $errorCode provides more detail See the onError argument on the initialize method for use.


/// See the [onError] argument on the [initialize] method for use.
typedef SpeechErrorListener = void Function(
    SpeechRecognitionError errorNotification);