RadialSteps constructor

const RadialSteps({
  1. double softness = 0.0025,
  2. required List<Color> colors,
  3. List<double>? stops,
  4. AlignmentGeometry center = Alignment.center,
  5. double radius = 0.5,
  6. AlignmentGeometry? focal,
  7. double focalRadius = 0.0,
  8. TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
  9. GradientTransform? transform,

A Steps gradient differs from a standard Gradient in its progression from one color to the next. Instead of smoothly transitioning between colors, Steps have hard edges created by duplicating colors and stops.

A larger softness makes this RadialSteps more like a standard RadialGradient. Default is 0.0025. High-resolution displays are well-suited for displaying the non-anti-aliased Steps formed when softness == 0.0.

See Steps for more information.


const RadialSteps({
  double softness = 0.0025,
  required List<Color> colors,
  List<double>? stops,
  this.center = Alignment.center,
  this.radius = 0.5,
  this.focalRadius = 0.0,
  TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
  GradientTransform? transform,
}) : super(
        softness: softness,
        colors: colors,
        stops: stops,
        tileMode: tileMode,
        transform: transform,