lerp method

  1. @override
Gradient lerp(
  1. double t

Return the value this variable has at the given animation clock value t.

If begin and end are gradients of the same type or if either is null, employs Gradient.lerp; which itself is a step up from the standard behavior.

  • Gradient.lerp will fade to null between gradients of dissimilar types which gives a fad-out/fade-in tween

In all other circumstances, however, this method can generated an IntermediateGradient.

This is done by comparing the runtimeType of begin & end against t, providing the first type before 0.5 and the second after; creating a GradientPacket containing both gradients and passing t which can provide any requested potential gradient property using lerp; and interpolating the colors and stops of begin & end by creating and passing along a PrimitiveGradient.

If needed, consider overriding IntermediateGradient._copyWith by providing a custom GradientCopyWith during construction as overrideCopyWith.


Gradient lerp(double t) {
  if (begin == null ||
      end == null ||
      (begin.runtimeType == end.runtimeType)) {
    return Gradient.lerp(begin, end, t)!;

  final resolvedBegin = begin is IntermediateGradient
      ? (begin as IntermediateGradient).resolved
      // : begin is Steps
      //     ? (begin as Steps).asGradient
      : begin!;
  final resolvedEnd = end is IntermediateGradient
      ? (end as IntermediateGradient).resolved
      // : end is Steps
      //     ? (end as Steps).asGradient
      : end!;
  if (resolvedBegin.runtimeType == resolvedEnd.runtimeType) {
    return Gradient.lerp(resolvedBegin, resolvedEnd, t)!;

  if (isAgressive) {
    final interpolated =
        PrimitiveGradient.fromStretchLerp(resolvedBegin, resolvedEnd, t);
    return IntermediateGradient(
          t < 0.5 ? PrimitiveGradient.from(resolvedBegin) : interpolated,
          t < 0.5 ? interpolated : PrimitiveGradient.from(resolvedEnd),
          t < 0.5 ? t * 2 : (t - 0.5) * 2),
      GradientPacket(resolvedBegin, resolvedEnd, t),
      overrideCopyWith: _copyWith,

  return IntermediateGradient(
    PrimitiveGradient.byCombination(resolvedBegin, resolvedEnd, t),
    GradientPacket(resolvedBegin, resolvedEnd, t),
    overrideCopyWith: _copyWith,