setVolume method

Future<void> setVolume({
  1. int? soundId,
  2. int? streamId,
  3. double? volume,
  4. double? volumeLeft,
  5. double? volumeRight,

Sets volume for playing sound identified by soundId or streamId

At least volume or both volumeLeft and volumeRight have to be passed


volumeLeft and volumeRight pair has no effect.


Future<void> setVolume(
    {int? soundId,
    int? streamId,
    double? volume,
    double? volumeLeft,
    double? volumeRight}) async {
  assert(!_disposed, "Soundpool instance was already disposed");
      soundId != null || streamId != null,
      "Either 'soundId' or 'streamI"
      "d' has to be passed");
      volume != null || (volumeLeft != null && volumeRight != null),
      "ther 'volume' or both 'volumeLeft' and 'volumeRight' has to be "

  assert(streamId == null || streamId > 0,
      "Invalid 'streamId' parameter. Only values greater than 0 are valid.");
  assert(soundId == null || soundId > -1,
      "Invalid 'soundId' parameter. Only values greater than -1 are valid.");

  if (volume != null && volumeLeft == null) {
    volumeLeft = volume;
  if (volume != null && volumeRight == null) {
    volumeRight = volume;
  await _soundpoolId.future.then((poolId) => _platformInstance.setVolume(
      poolId, soundId, streamId, volumeLeft, volumeRight));