cloneAuthorization abstract method

Future<CloneAuthorizationResult> cloneAuthorization()

Privileged Methods

Implementation of this method by a wallet endpoint is optional.

This method attempts to clone the session’s currently active authorization in a form suitable for sharing with another instance of the dApp endpoint, possibly running on a different system. Whether or not the wallet endpoint supports cloning an auth token is an implementation detail. If this method succeeds, it will return an auth token appropriate for sharing with another instance of the same dApp endpoint.

The clone_authorization method enables sharing of an authorization between related instances of a dapp endpoint (for example, running on a mobile device and a desktop OS). This is a sensitive operation; dapp endpoints must endeavor to transfer the token securely between dApp endpoint instances. The ability of wallet endpoints to validate the identity of the holder of the cloned token is an implementation detail, and may be weaker than that of the original token. As such, not all wallet endpoints are expected to support this feature.


Future<CloneAuthorizationResult> cloneAuthorization();