RemoteAssociationScenario constructor

  1. String hostAuthority, {
  2. int? id,
  3. required Duration? timeLimit,

Creates a remote association between the dApp and a wallet application running on a different device.

hostAuthority is the websocket server that brokers communication between the dApp and a remote wallet application.


  final String hostAuthority, {
  final int? id,
  required final Duration? timeLimit,
}): super(
      hostAuthority: hostAuthority,
      id: id,
    // If [timeLimit] is provided set [maxAttempts] to any value that will exceed [timeLimit].
    maxAttempts: timeLimit != null ? timeLimit.inSeconds : 122, // ~ 2 minutes.
    backoffSchedule: const [1000, 500, 500, 500, 500, 1000],
    protocols: const [websocketProtocol, websocketReflectorProtocol],
    timeLimit: timeLimit,