compile method

CompiledMessage compile({
  1. required String recentBlockhash,
  2. required Ed25519HDPublicKey feePayer,

Compiles a message into the array of bytes that would be interpreted by solana. The recentBlockhash is passed here as this is the final step before sending the Message.

If provided the feePayer can be added to the accounts if it's not present.

Returns a CompiledMessage that can be used to sign the transaction, and also verify that the number of signers is correct.


CompiledMessage compile({
  required String recentBlockhash,
  required Ed25519HDPublicKey feePayer,
}) {
  final accounts = instructions.getAccounts(feePayer: feePayer);
  final accountsIndexesMap = accounts.toIndexesMap();
  final header = MessageHeader.fromAccounts(accounts);
  final compiledInstructions = => i.compile(accountsIndexesMap));

  return CompiledMessage.legacy(
    header: header,
    accountKeys: => e.pubKey).toList(),
    recentBlockhash: recentBlockhash,
    instructions: compiledInstructions.toList(),