processSolanaPayTransactionRequest method

Future<SignedTx> processSolanaPayTransactionRequest({
  1. required String transaction,
  2. required Ed25519HDPublicKey signer,
  3. Commitment commitment = Commitment.finalized,

Processes the transaction from a Solana Pay transaction request link.

Transaction is transaction in the Solana Pay Transaction Request spec.

Signer is account the that may sign the transaction.

Commitment is used when getting latest blockhash.


Future<SignedTx> processSolanaPayTransactionRequest({
  required String transaction,
  required Ed25519HDPublicKey signer,
  Commitment commitment = Commitment.finalized,
}) async {
  final tx = SignedTx.decode(transaction);

  List<Signature> signatures = tx.signatures;
  CompiledMessage compiledMessage = tx.compiledMessage;

  if (signatures.isEmpty ||
      (signatures.length == 1 && signatures.first.publicKey == signer)) {
    final addressTableLookups =
      legacy: (_) => <MessageAddressTableLookup>[],
      v0: (v0) => v0.addressTableLookups,

    final lookUpTables =
        await rpcClient.getAddressLookUpTableAccounts(addressTableLookups);

    final message =
        tx.decompileMessage(addressLookupTableAccounts: lookUpTables);

    final isLegacyTx = tx.version == TransactionVersion.legacy;

    final latestBlockhash = await rpcClient.getLatestBlockhash(
      commitment: commitment,

    compiledMessage = isLegacyTx
        ? message.compile(
            recentBlockhash: latestBlockhash.value.blockhash,
            feePayer: signer,
        : message.compileV0(
            recentBlockhash: latestBlockhash.value.blockhash,
            feePayer: signer,
            addressLookupTableAccounts: lookUpTables,

    signatures = [
      Signature(List.filled(64, 0), publicKey: signer),
  } else {
    final feePayer = tx.compiledMessage.accountKeys.first;

    if (feePayer != signatures.first.publicKey) {
      throw const FetchTransactionException('Invalid fee payer');

    for (final sig in signatures) {
      final signature = sig.bytes;
      final publicKey = sig.publicKey;

      final isValid = await verifySignature(
        message: compiledMessage.toByteArray().toList(),
        signature: signature,
        publicKey: Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(publicKey.toString()),

      if (!isValid) {
        throw const FetchTransactionException('Invalid signature');

  return SignedTx(
    compiledMessage: compiledMessage,
    signatures: signatures,