toCharArray method

Int8List toCharArray({
  1. int? memoryWidth,
  2. bool zeroTerminated = false,

Converts this string to a UTF8 encoded byte array (a Int8List).

Uses utf8 for the encoding. If memoryWidth is specified, the resulting byte array will have exactly memoryWidth bytes. If this string fits exactly into this array, that will be the result. If it is shorter, the remaining bytes will be filled with 0. If it is bigger, an ArgumentError gets thrown.

By default, this whole string gets converted, even if it contains zeros in the middle of it. If zeroTerminated is set to true, this method stops encoding this string as soon as the first 0 is reached and the rest of the string gets dropped.


Int8List toCharArray({int? memoryWidth, bool zeroTerminated = false}) {
  final List<int> chars;
  if (zeroTerminated) {
    chars = utf8.encode(this).takeWhile((value) => value != 0).toList();
  } else {
    chars = utf8.encode(this);

  if (memoryWidth != null) {
    if (chars.length > memoryWidth) {
      throw ArgumentError.value(
        'must be at least as long as the encoded string '
            '(${chars.length} bytes)',

    return Int8List(memoryWidth)
      ..setRange(0, chars.length, chars)
      ..fillRange(chars.length, memoryWidth, 0);
  } else {
    return Int8List.fromList(chars);